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GNet Group plc's CIO - Patrick Tsang joined fDi forum

Patrick Tsang GNet Group plc

GNet Group plc's CIO- Patrick Tsang joined fDi forum

In the first panel discussion on the theme entitled " Chinese enterprises to achieve international expansion of value" , Mr. Patrick Tsang, CIO of GNet Group plc, respectively with several other speakers , including : Mr Scott Kronick FT Chinese net editor in chief of Mr. Wang Feng Dian , president of Ogilvy PR Asia Pacific and Nexteer vice president and chief operating officer of China branch Mr. Liu Tao, to discuss prospects for Chinese enterprises like GNet Group plc to invest overseas . Mr Patrick Tsang said that with more and more Chinese e-commerce company to enter the international market , not difficult to find some interesting overseas investment trends , such as more emphasis than in the past Dian widely used digital marketing platform for social networking online shopping , changing consumer shopping habits Wait. In other words , if the Chinese enterprises to fully grasp the culture and consumer habits in different geographical markets , it is better able to manage the local business environment.

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